
For girls (and boys) who like boys,

who like boys. . . .

Live your Life, Buy the Book


Baby, It's Cold Outside

Baby, It's Cold Outside - Nicole Kimberling 5 Stars - KAPOW!

This is the second book in the Bellingham Mystery Series and I cannot get enough of these guys and this town! I am loathe to say things like “favourite couple EVER!” as, you know, there are 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year…. that’s a lot of reading time to share the love. But – Nick and Peter are right up there with the Tys, the Zanes, the Jakes, Aidriens, Vadims, Vics and even the Jacobs of my literary love life. They are getting better and better!

In this installment the two have been together for 2 years now, living together for 1. By this stage in a relationship you should really know pretty much everything about eachother, and certainly be discussing things that could have a huge bearing on your life together....

For Barb's full review go to Live Your Life, Buy The Book